The weapon system in dynasty warriors 8 is relatively similar to dynasty warriors 7's system with several tweaks and new features for its presentation. in story mode, weapons can be bought from the blacksmith during pre-battle camp segments and may vary in quality depending on the level of.... Sun shang xiang wielding the bow.. several characters in dynasty warriors 6 share the same weapon types and dynasty warriors 6: special, six characters' movesets were changed.technically, sun shang xiang and sun ce have unique movesets in the latter game. the feature is seen as a grievous fault by players who are looking for unique attacks and weaponry.. Dynasty warriors 8: xtreme legends - xiahou dun 6 star weapon guide 82 videos play all dynasty warriors 8: xtreme legends - 6 star weapons dynasty warriors 8 - zhou tai 5th weapon void.
Dynasty warriors 8: xtreme legends - 6 star weapon guide a walkthrough alone would be hard to comprehend for some people so i recorded videos of every 6 star weapon playthrough in the game. some of the 6 star weapon requirements are really confusing so a video would be helpful to players who need help in the game.. Dynasty warriors 8: xtreme legends complete edition all discussions screenshots artwork broadcasts videos news guides reviews all discussions screenshots artwork broadcasts videos news guides reviews. Dynasty warriors 8 6th weapons. this guide was made by buster wolf. this guide applies only to xtreme legends and the complete version. you must have the difficulty on hard, chaos or ultimate. while in the original there were two aggression weapon skills, the one for affinity has been renamed harmony..